Friday, March 11, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Holy Spirit you are welcome here

Ezekiel 1:12…’each one went straight ahead. Wherever the Spirit would go, they would go, without turning as they went….’
This is a profound scripture of how the Holy Spirit, which the flesh of Jesus left to the people after His death, was already present. Before the flesh of Christ was born into this realm, the Holy Spirit was already formed and working before the flesh of Jesus was born.
In reading the first chapter of Ezekiel (in which I strongly recommend for you to do), this was downloaded into me…
Jesus is already here, He doesn’t have to return, when His Spirit never left—We are so in tuned to following the image of a ‘man’s return,’ which is an image painted by a human being societal viewpoint; we are so in tuned to that philosophy that we have now accepted the return of Christ in Flesh. Somewhat denying that He lives within.
Jesus had to show suffering in dying on the cross, for the slave mentality, in which we as people have been subjected to. He had to experience suffering to show (to the slave mind) that freedom can be obtained, freedom from a flesh dictatorship. But flesh had to die, in order for the Spirit to live, just for people to understand. He suffered because he already knew the Spirit he had within was still present, before He became flesh. He was never worried about the body form, because His Soul was already with the creator of this imagination we live in. He had to come to this reality of a dream world, in order for us to believe that we can make it in this second life of Adam.
The revelation of Jesus in the flesh was to show Hope to the generation of people who turned their Spirit man off. Because of their glorification of ‘man,’ Jesus had to come in the form that only people saw as worthy. He came to show its not ‘I’, because ‘I’ can leave, it’s the Spirit and the God of all who does all this (healing, miracles, life, etc...), ‘I’ came in your form to remind you and rebirth you to the Spirit that once was active, I come to reactivate that for you.
The Holy Spirit was already at work when this scripture was written, showing that the Soul form of Christ was always present, for by the Spirit the forces still operated, obeyed, and listened. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Leaning not on our own understanding

“I lean not on my own understanding”
Where do we gain understanding? Majority of the time it is thru the perspective and opinions of others, so therefore we as people have created false perceptions based on intellect and experiences of others. We as people, living in a carnal society, will at times take how someone else went through something and compare it to a similar situation of our own. As we go through our situation, we are keeping that other persons’ experience in out forefront, thinking that we too can experience similar outcomes (apply this both in a negative or positive situation)… When we relate your situations outcome to what someone else experienced in their trial, we then are taking on their understanding and going through our trial with someone else mindset and intellect. 
What if God shows up in the mist of the situation you are in? The situation where we have already strategized and put plans in place, because its upon our obtained understanding and perceived notion that if we play it out this way, go this route, or let it fall this way, that the result, the outcome, will be soft and easy, and we will somewhat know what to expect; because of the understanding of what someone else shared with us. 
What if God showed up and changed it all the way up, what if He took our situation and said that is enough, before it even played itself out. What if He took the situation and said you know what, I want to reroute this plan you have in your mind and change its course, therefore, changing your understanding. What if God says this and does that, what would you do?
What if He showed up and completely redirected the ship? Would you be ok? Would you let go of the wheel? Would you steer it back? 
Why would God show up and redirect the ship?
In your planning, hindsight you were  praying, in your analyzing, hindsight you were  praying, in your doubt, hindsight you were  praying, in your debate of which way should I go, in hindsight you were  praying….Hindsight you were praying!!! Keyword You! Although, you were still strategically doing things on your own, you opened it up as a prayer, not in a direct sense, but how many times did you say God help me through this, Help me figure this out… You invited Him into the situation… So, if God does show up, change it up, reroute, end, extend, etc…it is because you gave Him access too, if He changes the plan, is not because He does not like you or care, it is because He has MORE, He has GREATER! The plans I have for you…plans’ to prosper you and not to harm you, plans’ to give you hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11. It is not that He does not trust your understanding, it is just your understanding has been tainted; you gained it from the view point of other peoples’ perspective and opinions.
To get away from your own understanding, we must operate in Inviting Him in and learning to rest in His presence…no more strategizing based off your viewpoint or someone else, but learning to operate strategically in the Spirit and the revelation He gives. No more hindsight praying and doing it on our own, we must ask Him to go before us, so we will not taint the views of others looking upon us. He wants us to have His understanding not our own.

God we ask you to take us to that place of devotion and rest, a place where your voice says Yes, a place where you give us keys to doors that you have given access...We ask that you help us close our mouths before we speak, wait for you unction before we move our feet, we ask that you take away movement upon emotions because it can easily lead to deceit. We ask that you guide us only through the Spirit because our bodies have the tendency to become weak...We must learn to invite you in and let you have your way, we must build our spirit man so that we know your voice and take human conscious away, to tap into soul awareness and continue to let Christ have its way.