Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Implused Decisions, Emotional Words

Decisions, decisions, decisions, words, words, words! These things control the paths we are on in our everyday life. How many of us have said things we wish we did not say or did things we wish we never did? But we have said and we have done it. What now? Consequences happen, the consequences of the words we stated happen, the consequences of the decisions we made happen. We may not see it now, but boy does it show up later on.
Do you ever wonder can those consequences be stopped? I definitely wonder that all the time. Naturally when are doing things or saying things we are coming from an impulse or a emotion and those things are said and those things are said. Deg, why did I say that or why did I do that, is the very thing we think after its done. In saying this, the only time we question a decision or choice of words, majority of the time it was not GOOD choice/decision. There was negativity behind, going back and forth was, and most of all confusion. It is important to know God is not the author of confusion.
What's important is taking the things we are learning through our reading and praying and putting it into practice. To know that we are equipped enough to apply our reading and praying into our natural everyday setting, because that is what we are fighting everyday. I want to be able to pray and recall a scripture when I am faced with a decision where I know it can go this way, yet it can go that way. I want to be able to quote 'God let my words be your words and not my emotions talking' before I say something.
Becoming a diligent reader in the Word, and a continuous prayer worry is a decision and choice itself. But, it is so easier to make other decisions and choices. How come we can't make a decision to become prayer warriors and seekers after God? I say this with me in mind, I struggle with getting up at times and devoting time to God, knowing I devote time to everything else. But everything else has not got me where I am today, whether I am a mess, whether I've struggled to get here, the important thing is God still got me here and He is still with me.

Decisions, decisions, words, words! Lets make the decision to have a heart after God, lets say words that resemble Joy and Praise, and Worship. Call out to the Father and give thanks.

That thou turnest thy spirit against God, and lettest such words go out of thy mouth? Job 15:13; If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up. Job 33:5

Hallelujah God, I repent God for the things I have done today, that were not of you, I repent for my thoughts that were not of you God. I ask that you convict me and set things before me to stop my emotions from affecting decisions that I make. For some decisions take time, some choices take time, and patience is what I long for God and I want you to do it, and not me God. I want your words to flow through me and not my own, for that way I know that I'm doing the things I am suppose to be doing and not what I want to do. For when my heart is heavy and things are not going one's way, allow your presences to come in and create a calming atmosphere to help assure that we are in your Hands and not mans. Come in the mist of thine Storm, and shake and break us, teach us God, build us up God to be your vessels so that we can teach those who are longing for you all about you. God help us to make the right decisions and say the right things. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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