Thursday, December 15, 2011

A call Away

Man the way I felt when I awoke Tuesday morning was indescribable, I honestly needed a friend right then and there, and I was hitting dead ends when it came to that friend. Soon my father called just in the nick of time, and 31 minutes with him to be exact, was truly all I needed. Man the way God’s presence showed up and how HIS divine anointing came through that phone, was like a dip in water. Man, just brings tears to my eyes as I think about. But, that goes to show how truly AMAZING GOD is…how can you not want to know such a GOD as He?

After that phone call I was literally on a spiritual high, I mean the tongues were flowing and the songs of worship were being played in my head, I just knew God was with me despite my downfalls and mistakes. I later thought as I was waiting for my rental car! Yes the girl that hit me insurance came through and granted me a rental car that would be ready by 12 noon…Thank you God! But as I awaited for it to be ready, I said God what must I do to stay here and keep this high? He said my child, you must seek, pray, meditate and gain control of what is important!!! Now just 20 mins before that my dad was just speaking with me about the message he taught this past Sunday, and the message entailed that we as individuals need to REFOCUS and gain control, get back to that center, the center being the HOLY SPIRIT, and when we refocus and meditate on the Holy Spirit then everything else will be covered!! It was one of those moments where I could only shake my head and say Thank ya!

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