Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gone To Long

Where have I been? Although God has been placing things in my spirit I have yet to share it...

This past week has been so hard, I can't exactly put my finger on it, but, its like I'm in a field and there is no supply of water/food to help me, in a field where there is no one around...I've come to realize I feel like this because I'm looking for the means of people to be my way of escape and comfort and the need of water and food to be my nourishment. That is not what God wants from me. He has me here and my feelings because deep down I know that I need to be turning to Him through it all, the good and the bad. I can't look for people to be my means of escape because they to are flesh just like I am, they could verily well feel like I'm feeling, and if that becomes the case who is going to help who....

I got in my car today, and looked in the backseat I saw my black pocketbook and I knew what was in there. My WORD, My, HELP, My COMFORT, My PRESENT, FUTURE and PAST HELP, My SOURCE. I teared up...I just begin to say these words, "Your changing everything, one, two, three, your changing everything in me." As I said those words I said the change starts NOW not when I pick My source up, but when I say God Change Everything in ME. We as people can read our BIBLES all day everyday but if we are not reflecting what we are reading in our daily natures and in our spiritual growth, whom is it benefiting. Definitely not yourself or the people around you.
I realized at that moment, although God keeps opening my eyes day after day and giving me revelation, if I'm not studying my word and seeking Him earnestly, I will soon start to miss what God is showing me, and soon start to fall into a fleshly nature, and feel like I felt today and this past week....

James 4:8- Draw nigh to God, and he will nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. James 4:10- Humbles yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Dear God,
We just thank you for being who you are and being true to your WORD, God I ask that you just open the eyes of the people and open their ears to hear. We have to start there, we have to start by asking God to open up the senses that need to be opened to get closer to you, that way when we Open our HEARTS, we will open them will everlasting love...

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