Thursday, December 15, 2011

Came from Meditation

When we are put in those hard places those are the times where our Faith should increase the most, not slack off, we are suppose to prove God’s word is just. We are to keep pressing and spending time in that secret place and calling on God to reveal a plan for your current situation sometimes we have to have a wilderness experience because it’s a way to connect with God when you have tried everything else why not try God. We are in a drought season and all God wants is our time and commitment then that rain will come, the rain will be as tears from God’s eyes as we say Yes god all I want is you. I just want you and me God; the rain will pour upon your lives watering your seed of Faith. (Stay in a place of seeking until you really know what God is saying)
To stay there long enough for him to reveal something to you, if not concerning your own life, but for the lives of those around you. Let the Spirit of God speak to you and search you out, so you will know in your moment of doubt you can look back and say God saw and knew me when no one else did, He revealed His plan for me, unto me, and yet I still have unbelief. For I know that everything comes with work and patience and in the time of me waiting I should and will be asking God for wisdom and understanding in any area of my life that I lack it in.
A man shall live by having a fellowship with God, so wherever his feet tread it will be God leading the way guiding each step, preparing his mindset fixing his mouth guarding his tongue, strengthening his leg, warming his heart. Fellow-shipping with God will do all these things if we allow it, if we fully commit and love God enough to trust him with our lives then we will do what he has called us to do walk where he has called us to walk go where he has called us to go. Say what he has called us to say!

James 1:1-12

God I’m trusting, my heart and faith is put in you I realize I cannot do anything without you and if I try it doesn’t work, so God please hear me and my cry I’m barely hanging, how do I say the right goodbyes. I wanna know when to say hello I want to know where to go I want the right feelings to show and for my heart and face to glow,

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading your blogs and just maybe its not God that has put these hardships in your life but you and how you treat others. What i have learn in my own life is that when your being sneaky,conniving and vindectice to people in your life (personal as well as work) bad things happen. The only way you will get better is to undo the wrongs you did and is doing to others is the only God will heal your mind, body and soul. if not it will become worst... From: Grandma_words1954


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