Thursday, December 15, 2011

A different Awakening

In this post and the next to follow, I will be sharing this past week experiences. Monday my goodness a day where my nerves were completely shaken in a way that was so traumatic, but through meditation and comfort I saw it as a spiritual shaking.

Let me back up, I had started doing a 3 day detox on Friday and man I was not feeling it the moment it started, but with my digestive tract getting off TRACK I had to suck it up and do it. So by Monday I was so warned down and pooped (lol), I was barely moving, I had even lost my voice. But I was hoping when I ate that that detox wouldn't be in vain.
So that Monday morning I started my day off with a biscuit(wrong food) and some juice. So far so good, I arrive at work and everything is still staying down, so I'm like yes it worked. At 11am I arrive at the office to meet with my boss and we conversed and such. So now I'm off to meet one of my staff for a drop off at 12 of one of my residents. I called my staff to see where they needed to meet at but no answer so I figured that I would pull over and wait for my staff to call back before I got completely on the other side of town. Here's when the SHAKEN OF MY NERVES CAME. I pull into the turning lane and BOOM!!!! I got hit on the right side of my car by another vehicle!!! All I could do was sit there take off my seat belt and open the door and throw my head back. The girl from the other car came around to my side and she was asking repeatedly was I okay?? Then she said can I pray with you, I immediately said sure. Right after she prayed, I had to throw up so I was like excuse me and I threw up. Right then the girl who just got finish praying with me CURSED, she was oh F*** oh S*** I'm like well Lawd I guess God want be answering that prayer. So I prayed to oneself to keep me covered.

Monday what a day, My awakening that I needed came but not in the way that I expected but that is how God works sometimes. As I made it through the check out process at the hospital and awaited for my ride, I just sobbed for a bit, I was just in awe of what had happened and just kept thanking God through it all. I finally made it home no car, could hardly eat, and no FAMILY, and that is what hurt me more. My family was a good 3 hours away, and I was going through this alone so to say.
Later that evening I went through an experience of contemplating breaking a vow that I had made and even played with the fire of that vow, but I knew I shouldn’t be entertaining it, so I removed myself from it. But, why was it hitting me then, I asked myself. I was just so weak and broken, and not in the way that God breaks you, but broken in my emotions so I was feeling pity for myself so to say.

I really did not know what to do at this point, I just wonder why my sickness wanted to act up and have me feeling like I was feeling, and why I was so estranged from my relationship, and why in the world did this accident have to happen to me....

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