Thursday, December 15, 2011

An Hallelujah Moment

Today was such an interesting today, started off with a quick conversation with my boss, in which she asked how I was feeling, I responded saying I was feeling good and I was able to eat the foods on my diet plan again and keep it down, and that I believe that wreak shook up digestive nerves. She responded and said she was glad I was able to eat, and too bad I had to get banged up in order for that to happen, pray fully this is what you need to shake that stuff loose. I responded and said that sometimes a bang is needed to shake some stuff loose, I take it as a awakening from God, cause he surely has my ATTENTION now. That’s when it hit me. MY SHAKENING and AWAKENING from God. It wasn’t just a wreak any more God was shaking some things up in my life, and in my body. But, through all of this I must be obedient and take heed to what God is preparing me for and stray not away from it! My moment of solace came I just prayed and really cried out to God.
As the day continued on something interesting took place, with the rental car that I have its been really hard getting one of my residents in and out of it, so today as we were leaving Barnes & Nobles, I looked at her and said we are going to ask God to help make this easier for us. So we prayed and said God please help us to get in the car today with no trouble, as we were getting ready to place her legs in the car, God did such that, got her legs in with no problem. I immediately said Hallelujah.
A lot of times we want God to show up in the big things, but what about the small things, this to me was such a blessing and God truly did His thing. May not be impressive to some but it was impressive to me. He can show up wherever you need Him to show up, He says ask and it shall be given to you. (Matthew 7:7). And that is in fact what I did, and to have done in the present of my resident was amazing as well, just to show Godly character around her was important, so she could witness God can do anything!
As the day closes, I reflect on that conversation with my dad, as we were talking about covering, I told him I had to repent because I took advantage of the covering I had and when I got out from under the covering I stumbled upon some territory in which I knew I was not to be anywhere near, and I started straying…Covering is so important!! But as we were talking I said Dad I can ‘t keep saying I’m going through cause it is not right because this world is meaningless, God has me facing stuff for reason and purpose and it is up to me to get the revelation out of it, I told him I will now say God is preparing me and therefore I am in a preparation stage, because after my preparation stage I will enter a revelation stage, and then I will be at the destination stage!!

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